Short Stories



Jo and Alistair have already had several adventures outside the confines of their series, and will surely have more. Eventually, I hope to collect them in a single volume, but if you can’t wait that long, you can find them here and there:

Chance Encounter” — Jo and Alistair inspire Nellie Bly. Appears in eSpec Books‘ In a Flash: 2016

The Great Iron Dragon Silk Butterfly Race” — available for free if you join my mailing list. Follow the link to read it at Four-Star Stories.

“The Most Alarming Incident at Doc Adele’s Laundry” — appears in Lost Trails 2: Forgotten Tales of the Weird West from WolfSinger Publications

“It’s…Complicated” — a Time-Travel adventure which appears in Lightships and Sabers from WolfSinger Publications

“Restless Spirit” — appears in Ghosts, Gears, and Grimoires from Mocha Memoirs. (This one is from Alistair’s point-of-view)